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Mobile Repairing Training

Mobile Repair Course in Kathmandu

Advanced Mobile Repairing course in Kathmandu, Guru provides top mobile repairing courses with 100% job placement. Best Mobile Mobile course providing institute in Nepal

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Guru Institute

Editor's Rating:

What is Mobile Phone Repairing Course?

The mobile phone repairing course is primarily designed for fixing mobile phone problems. It has its own repairing process and system. Technical skills are required to solve these issues. The mobile technical error arises from mobile hardware and software. Software-related issues might include stuck-up at the logo, frequent reboot, and software looping.

A basic hardware issue arises from the Mobile batteries. display and other internal and external parts of a mobile. Mobile Repairing Course in Kathmandu include all the topics

Mobile repair training course in kathamdnu(pic1)
Mobile repair training course in Kathmandu

Mobile Repairing Course in Kathmandu

With diverse functionality and portability, mobile devices are taking over the tech industry. Budget-friendly and flexible services mobile devices offer might be the reason behind the popularity of mobile devices.  This popularity of mobile devices has provided a huge opportunity to small-scale engineers and mobile device repairers. One with mobile repairing skills can easily make a livelihood and earn good money working a few hours.

Just in the last two months, Nepal imported mobile phones worth Rs.8 billion and the demand for mobile phones doesn’t seem to stop anytime sooner. Around 22.8 million people have access to the internet thanks to mobile devices. With so many mobile devices around us, it is obvious for them to malfunction sometimes. Hence timely repair and inspection of your mobile phones are important.

Categories of Mobile Repairing Course

Generally, two Subjects are included in the mobile repairing training course one of them is Mobile hardware. Next is Mobile software. In Mobile phone software, problems arise from mobile operating systems like Android, IOS, and Java operating systems, etc. Mobile Hardware is issued from a system board called logic board.

Mobile Hardware Course :

This course is designed for hardware repairing of mobile. Students who have basic skills in computer hardware are able to join this course. In this mobile hardware course, students will learn in-depth about every phone circuit how the circuit is designed, such as mobile charging circuits.

We cover all the hardware topics in depth while mobile repairing course in Kathmandu. Our mobile hardware team explains all issues in the native language. We teach up to the micro-level for every phone hardware course in Kathmandu. Basic keypad phone hardware to advanced iPhone and Smartphones hardware in a smart way.

Benefits of Mobile Repairing Course

  • Establish jobs.
  • Assist with regular mobile sales.
  • Increase sales and revenue.
  • Be technical repairing field.

Where to Learn a Mobile Repair Course in Kathmandu?

There are lots of mobile repairing training places in Nepal. Selecting the best mobile repairing center is in itself a challenge. What makes a training center the best and trustworthy?

  • Establishment Year
  • Qualified Instructor
  • Practical Facilities.
  • Job Placement after Training
  • Feedback and Reviews
  • Online and Offline Reputation

Best Mobile Repairing Course at Guru

We are a mobile phone repairing training center based in Anamnagar, Kathmandu, and specialize in providing basic, intermediate, and advanced mobile repair courses on the latest models of cell phones in the market. By enrolling in our mobile repairing course in Kathmandu, you will be able to troubleshoot problems in both hardware and software components.

We aim at making employment opportunities for as many youths as possible by providing various types of mobile repairing courses and helping them open their own business and be the master of their fate.

Guru strongly believes that “With the right blend of theoretical and practical knowledge, we can build a professional and sustainable manpower that the contribution for the betterment of the cellphone industry.” A full-time degree can be expensive and intimidating as it takes a lot of time and effort. To ease this, we have shortened the course and customized our mobile repairing course in such a way that it is understandable and affordable to everyone.

Our instructors are always on standby to create a calm and learning atmosphere for our clients. Our team of instructors sets clear and fair expectations for you and always stays patient to bring the best of your abilities.

We provide an informal mobile repair technician course and provide you with all the basic knowledge which will be enough to start your own mobile repairing business and get a good-paying job. Please don’t expect engineer-level jobs with a short duration training program as it requires a huge level of knowledge and patience.

Mobile technology, in general, is complicated and one can’t easily master every aspect of it. At GURU, we have designed courses in such a way that they will cover all the basic aspects and the most frequently seen malfunctions in mobile devices.

Guru Mobile Repairing Course is Divided into 2 Categories

Basic mobile repairing course and advanced mobile repairing course. Basic course for who is totally unknown in the field of mobile phone. The next advanced level course is specially designed for those who have already taken the basic course

Basic Mobile Repairing Course in Kathmandu

This is a basic fundamental course for mobile repairing. Zero-level and fresher students can take part of this course. Students will be able to learn to assemble/disable, mobile phone touch display fitting. basic software issues can fix easily after taking this course.

Theoretical courses: maintenance basics, maintenance ideas, understanding basic circuit diagrams, common fault maintenance, system upgrade/repair, and a large number of mobile phones for practical exercises.The content of the Guru smartphone repairing course covers,

explain the working sequence of each part of all brand mobile phones, important signal analysis, vulnerable components (common problems), and maintenance procedures for common failures.

Advanced Mobile phone Repair Course in Kathmandu

Especially this technical mobile repairing course is designed for those who have already basic knowledge of mobile.

The advanced curriculum is designed to gain high-level knowledge in the field. explain small components, small chips, glued chips, CPU soldering method, iPhone layering method, a large number of soldering motherboards are provided for free, and you can learn to move the board for two months! Provide screen repair courses! In this advanced course extra, practical practice is needed students are requested to a shit whole day for practice


Mobile repair course in kathmandu
Mobile repair course in Kathmandu

Best Features for Guru Mobile Repair Course in Kathmandu

  1. One-to-one tutoring for quality courses
  2. A detailed description of the all-module circuit principles of all brand mobile phones
  3. Provide a full set of tools for free, free learning materials, and real machine
  4. Working principle + repair process + repair board practice can repair types of mobile phones of Huawei iPhone, Vivo, Xiaomi, and Samsung after learning
  5. Maintenance ideas with extremely wide coverage and strong versatility
  6. Provide teaching starting from disassembly and assembly and electronic basics. step by step, with perfect procedures and learning methods, so that you can quickly become a master of maintenance.

The courses are detailed and disassembled to achieve excellent results in a very short time. Launch 3-7 days of customized courses, learn as you go, and re-learn for free.

Training Time and Place for mobile repair course in Kathmandu

Three-month 4 hours daily training, 1st floor of Guru Building Science and Technology Depart, Vocational Skills Training Center.

Best Syllabus for Mobile Repairing Course in Kathamndu

Guru introduces a high-level mobile phone syllabus. which is fit for all mobile repairing courses in Kathmandu. The advanced course content describes the accurate theory and 100% practical design by experts. In the field of mobile phone repairing

Budget Mobile Repairing Course Fee

We determined the standard fee upon training time and quality of courses. Our fee is globally standard. Certified by the Government of Nepal.

 Enroll  method for mobile Repairing course in Kathmandu
  1. Registration with a deposit. Participants who sign up must first pay a deposit of Nrs. 500. to determine their study quota, and the remaining funds will be paid when they register. This registration method is reliable, and we will arrange the position in advance.
  2. Go to school without paying the deposit, go directly to the Guru Mobile repair Course class to learn. The period almost expires before November every year, and it is recommended to book a deposit in advance.

Consultation telephone: 9851209564

Apply today and get started on becoming a Mobile Phone Repair Expert!

The popularity of Online Mobile Repairing Course in Kathmandu

Getting a degree in a certain field used to be the biggest achievement in the past but People have started realizing that degrees may not necessarily determine one’s skill and knowledge. Employers are choosing skills over education as they realize skillful people doesn’t necessarily be degree holder. In this generation, if you have certain technical or other skills you can definitely start your career in the respective field.

One of the best examples is the growing mobile phones industries and the scope of mobile repair. This has created a scope for many people who may not be very educated to start their careers as mobile repair technicians. The growth of the mobile phone industry is unprecedented which has generated vast scope for people to start their career in this field as most smartphones encounter problems easily and someone has to repair them. Now it is your time to be that someone.

mobile phone repair training
The advanced mobile phone repair course

Why choose the Mobile Repairing course as a Career?

It’s obvious that many people working in a repair shop do not hold a degree or have good educational qualifications but they are able to set up a shop to make a good living out of it. This is the best example of a skill that is more valued than education in this generation. You can easily earn a handsome salary repairing people’s mobile, laptops, TVs and you do not have to worry about a lack of jobs because it is guaranteed that electronic devices face problems and most people can’t afford to buy a new one.

More and more smartphones are bound to be manufactured in the future hence the future for mobile repairing technicians is as bright as it comes.

Trainees can obtain several advantages by participating in mobile repair training like:

  • Opportunity to become a qualified mobile technician which increases your personal growth
  • Modern companies choose Practical skills over theoretical so you are most likely to get a job
  • Enhancement of your creativity and utilize your time properly while building a career out of it.

Advantages of choosing mobile repairing as a career

No education needed

Not all people are blessed with education. Many people can’t afford to go to school or college, many people find it hard to deal with various courses so they drop out. Those people will find it very interesting that jobs like mobile repairing don’t necessarily need any graduation degree. You have to be interested and all you need is certain practical skills and you are good to go. It is in fact one of the best careers where you earn a decent salary than any other professional career which requires a master’s degree.

All you need is a little bit of knowledge about new technology and developments in the mobile industry. And once you develop the skills, you can effectively start your career for a better future. This is the field where Education is not the factor to measure the skills of a person.

These professionals should have deep knowledge about phones, their parts, some technical terms and the mechanism in which certain phone functions, and things similar to these, which is not difficult once you get hold of it.

Once you repair one phone you gain confidence and your skills grow gradually and in no time you are able to repair phones with perfection.

Easy to learn

Because it is a practical course, you will find it easy to learn once you see how the cells work. Practical courses are way more effective than theoretical courses. Sometimes you may not need to know the whole procedure but still can effectively repair everything from the hardware to the software of the phone easily like a professional.

People only need training for certain months before they are eligible to start their career in this field. Without adequate formal education, this is the best career option you can choose.

A lot of online courses are not available which will qualify you as a mobile phone technician.

The training period is short

Mobile phone repair professionals require only a few months of training and do not need to spend a lot of time to establish their careers. Most of the courses last only for 3 months to 6 months. This is a very short time considering the scope it has in the real world. If you can be a professional on something in 6 months, then I would consider it a golden opportunity.

Golden opportunity for gadget-savvy people

Many people really have a great passion for gadgets and spend searching about new technology every single day, imagine how they would perform if given proper formal training on repairing mobile phones! Such people keep themselves updated about new technology which makes them the best candidate for such technical jobs.

Many kids who love to disassemble and assemble their mobile phones from a very small age will find mobile phone repairing an interesting job to enhance their career.


Such people are so smooth with their work and it’s amazing to see them work on a cell phone with so much ease as if it was a piece of cake. Gadget-savvy people are bound for this type of work.

Professional technicians gain a lot of respect and appreciation

Professional mobile technicians will undoubtedly gain so much respect in their community as engineers and people are likely to engage with them. This will motivate people to work harder and enjoy their work.

It does not require a huge investment

Lastly, unlike most other careers or businesses, mobile phone repair does not require a large initial investment. People with very limited sources and budgets coming from middle-class families can easily afford to open their own repair shop easily. Their skills and knowledge will help them to earn decent money and they can extend their business in the near future accordingly.

A small place is enough to start your journey.

Feel free! for mobile repair course in Kathmandu 

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Mobile Repair Course in Kathmandu

Advanced Mobile Repairing course in Kathmandu, Guru provides top mobile repairing courses with 100% job placement. Best Mobile Mobile course providing institute in Nepal

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Guru Institute

Editor's Rating:

Introduction To Mobile Communication
History of mobile communication
GSM (Global System For Mobile Communication)
GSM &CDMA – Different bands
Duplexing – Uplink & Down Link Frequencies.
3G Network – WCDMA & CDMA 2000,4g networkingMultiplexing methods (Cellular Communication)
SDMA – Space Division Multiple Access _Cell Concept
FDMA –Frequency Division Multiple Access – Channels
TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access (Time Sharing)
CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access – spread spectrum method
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cell ConceptNetworking (GSM CDMA & WCDMA)
Network Components – BTS, BSC, MSC, Link Towers – Repeaters
BTS – Base Transceiver Station, BSC – Base Station Controller
HLR, VLR, EIR, SMSC, AUC, Voice Message Centre
Antenna – Low Power, High Power, Coverage, Repeater, Microwave Links
Power Variation in Antenna for Different Bands.
Auto Power Controlling In Mobile Phone According To Distance from BTS
Mobile initiated call – key of security – Diagram
Communication (link) between the cellular network and other networks
Cell Broadcasting (CB), Cell Info DisplayIntroduction To Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone – IMEI Number
Manufacturing Companies And Mutual Understanding With Network Providers.
N/W Service Provider, N/W Technology Provider.
Transmitting Power Of Mobile Phone – GSM & CDMA
MS – Mobile Station – Mobile Phone + SIM
Securities Used In Mobile Phone For User [Security Code, Keypad Lock, Call Baring, Pattern lock],
Mobile phone pricing.SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
SIM – block diagram
SIM Contents, SIM Capacity, IMSI, PIN, PUK, Multi-SIM packages
Working Voltage and clock for SIM. Features Provided By N/W Provider
SMS, MMS, Voice Message, Call Barring, Call Diverting, Call Waiting, Call Conferencing, Fixed Dialing, CUG, etc.
GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD, GPS Navigation Services, Television channels, Mobile Banking, Tablet PC services different Modes Of Operations & Battery
WatchDog – Purpose
Need Of Current Measurement In-Service Field.
Main battery and RTC backup battery.
Sensing Points In Battery [Temperature, Over Voltage Etc.) & Complaints
Original And Duplicated Battery Comparison And Complaint Due To Duplicate BatteryDifferent Types Chargers
Types of chargers- travel, USB, Ampere rating of chargers
Minimum Voltage For Charging, New Battery Charging
Battery Low Indication, Battery boosting, Cut off Circuit Using In BatterySMT & SOC Systems – Revision
Current consumption, Temperature Handling, Soldering Details
MCP – (multi-chip packages), Modules, BGA – Ball Grid Array, POP
Types Of BGA – Temperature Ratings
Multi-Layer PCB’sIntegrated Circuits
DC to DC Converters, N/W IC’s, Microprocessor, Memory IC’s, sensors, Filters, MCP, MML
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, FM IC’s, SIM, SIM EMIF (Glass IC-Diode Array, Resistor Array)
Pin Configuration of SMD IC’sBGA
Types of BGA, Pin Configuration of BGA IC’s
Points Remember While Handling BGA
POP – Package On PackageHardware Of Mobile Phones
Simple block diagram of mobile phone
Detailed block diagram
SOC(System on chip), Embedded System
Power Supply Section, N/W Section, Data Processing Section
Display Section, UI Section (User interface Section)
Audio Section- Mic speaker, ringer, vibrator
Other wireless sections
Sensors in mobile phone

Introduction to Electronics
Application of Electronics
Concept of matter
Atomic structure
Conductor, Semi- conductor, Insulator
Electric charge, Potential difference, Electric current, Electrical energy, Electrical power
Measuring units
Types of current
Direct current, Alternating current
Wave length, Cycle, Frequency, Amplitude
Voltage Sources
AC &DC voltage source
Measuring instruments, Multimeter
Ohm’s Law –simple Calculations
Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power Relations
Voltage & Current Measurement (breadboard)
Electronic Components
Passive &Active Components
SMT- advantages
Fixed –types, Specifications
Variable –types
Colour coding
TDR (Thermister) ,LDR ,VDR
SMT resistors and Parallel & Series resistors
Current ,voltage measurement
Capacitance, Capacitor value
Capacitive Reactance
Specifications of Capacitor
Parallel & Series -coupling, filtering, bypassing
Fixed –Ceramic Capacitor, Mica Capacitor
Polyester Capacitor, Paper Capacitor
Electrolytic Capacitor (Aluminium, Tantalum)
Variable – types
SMT capacitors -Applications in Laptop (tank capacitor, EMIF, Sensor)
Dummy capacitors
Components checking using a multimeter
Inductance, Inductive reactance
Self-inductance & mutual inductance
Inductor- types (application base only)
Comparison between Capacitors & Inductors
Transformers, Specification
Step up Transformers, step down Transformers, Tapped Transformers
AC, chokes. Filters
SMT inductor and applications
Checking using Multimeter
FiltersSemi Conductors
N-Type & P-Type Semi-Conductors
P-N junction, Biasing
Semiconductor Diodes
Diode – working, Specification
Classification of Diodes
Zener diode Voltage Regulator
SMT diodes and applications
Checking using Multimeter
Checking using by component Tester
DC Voltage source
Primary & secondary cell
Voltage & current rating of CellCombination of cell
Battery- Series, & Parallel
Back up time & Charging time
Battery boosting
Battery -PPT
Types Of Battery, NiMH – NiCd, Li-Ion, Li-Polymer, Poly a scene.
Li-Ion & Li-Polymer – Protection Circuit
Advantages and Disadvantages.
AC to DC converter
Rectifiers & filters
Different types of Rectifiers (Half wave & Full wave)
NPN & PNP Transistor
Transistor as a switch
Transistor as Amplifier
Different types of amplifiers – AF, RF, IF
Voltage amplifiers(pre-amp) and Power amplifiers
Multistage amplifiers (Ex: PA)
Tuned amplifiers
Comparison – FET, JFET & MOSFET
Advantages &disadvantages
SMT transistor introduction and application
Checking using Multimeter integrated circuit
Classification of IC, Advantages of IC
IC package – (PPT)
SOC, Multi-chip package
Components array
Digital electronics
Introduction (comparison between analog & digital)
Logic gates
Flip- Flop, Multiplexers, De multiplexers
Memory- Classification
Flash Memory, OTP

Charging section(all models)
Components Used In charging Section, Charging indication, charging controlling
Temperature sensing, BSI
Energy management IC
USB charging
Power management section
Power saving mode in mobile phone.
Components Used In Power Section
Power distribution, Core Voltages
AC-DC converters(SMPS IC), regulators
Block diagram of UEM, RETU, AVILMA, and others
Temperature, Over Voltage, and Low – Voltage Cutoff For Battery.
BSI, B-Temp Circuit on Board, Sensing Point Complaints
current sensing resistor
Pull up and pull down resistor
On-Off Section Working (different models such as Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson..))
Complaints Due To On-Off Circuit
RTC & Backup Battery
External Power Supply to Mobile Phone – Sensing Circuit
Tracing and Voltage checking
Complaints in charging and power sections
Block Diagram of Data Processing Section
CPU – Single engine, Dual engine
Different Processors –,Samsung, Sony, iPhone, oppo
Single and Dual Operating Systems
Clock Signal For CPU – main crystal and RTC, CPU Speed
Core voltage supply
DSP – Digital Signal Processor, Block Diagram Of Digital Modulation
Memory section
RAM ,ROM,E2prom and Flash -common Complaints
MCP (multi-chip packages) or MML (merged memory logic) or Combo memory.
Memory capacity checking from serial number
Internal mass Storage, Extended memory (Memory card section)
SIM section -SIM Related H/W Complaints, SIM Related Error Messages.Mobile Software’s
System Software (Operating System) – Types of operating systems
Dual engine operating systems (System OS + Application OS)
API (Application Peripheral Interfere), Domestic OS (does not support API)
Data Exchange Software (PC suites)Mobile phone software upgrading
Service Software’s – Unlocking / Repairing
Flashing – different methods, Flashing Boxes & Dongles,
Tracing and Voltage checking
Error Messages For H/W Complaints While Using Boxes
Network Section
Block Diagram explanation, a Basic block diagram
RF Section and IF Section
Antenna , External Antenna, Antenna Switch (Tx / Rx),FEM
Pre-Amplifiers & RF Power Amplifier (TX)
LNA – RF Amplifiers, RF Signal Processor
VCO, Supply To VCO
Crystal Oscillator, Frequency Synthesizer – working
Crystal, Coil Filters, Mutual Couplers(RF transformers)
Tracing and Voltage checking
Common Complaints
Audio Section
Explanation Of Audio Section In Different Models – Audio IC
MIC – Types, Crystal & Digital mic
Noise cancellation & multimedia mic
Speaker, Ringer, Vibrator, Audio amplifiers (ICs), Hands-free – Types – WorkingDisplay Section
Liquid Crystal Display – LCD Drivers, LCD Connectors
Organic Led (O Led), examples
Touchpad- types of the touchpad(resistive, capacitive), Multy touch
Backlight driver circuit in different models
Backlight brightness controlling (ambient light sensor)
Tracing and Voltage checking
Common compliant keypad Section
Keypad, Backlight
Flip Keypad Activation
Joystick, Trackball, Touch Sensitive Keypad, optical touchpad
Camera Section
Camera –types, camera working voltages
The resolution, digital &optical zooming
Camera flashlight driver circuit
Hardware details
Tracing and Voltage checking
Common complaints advanced Technologies In Mobile Communication
Convergent technology – TV, Projector, internet, GPS ……
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, DLNA, Wi-Max
Wi-Fi hot spot in mobile phone
GPS & Navigation on Mobile phone
Short-range wireless sections in mobile phone -Hardware details
FM, Wi-Fi, Blue tooth, GPS
iPhone, Blackberry
Deadset repairing procedure
Data backup and recovery method

In this module, students will get an opportunity to get internships in different mobile service centers inside the valley and outside the valley.
Checking Cell phone Schematic through advanced tools and software
EMMC programming
iPad iCloud Erasing
Pad layout


Guru Institute is a place where a competent technician is born. We have the latest devices and software’s to troubleshoot and repair all the devices. We have professional equipment and teachers. Teachers here are with years of experience. So, our students can learn to diagnose the fault in a systematic pattern and fix the problems. The reason why you must choose Guru for Mobile repairing training. The following points are the reason that one should choose the GURU.

Training in sophisticated devices and advanced handsets
100% job oriented courses on smart hardware and networking
Molding each candidate to become a Techno Entrepreneur
Achieved 100% Placement record in 2017/2018
Building Technical manpower for nation-building
25+ Care centers all over Nepal and 3 Branches
Scholarship for deserving candidates
Real-time hands-on practical learning
Career counseling and Guidance

Servicing in Card Level L1: 30 Hrs.
Basic Electronics L2: 30 Hrs.
Circuit/Schematic Analysis L3: 30 Hrs.
BGA Rebelling L4: 30 Hrs

Mobile training at our center GLabs provides real-time hands-on works on industry live projects.
We make sure the theory is well understood showing a real-time demonstration. We here teach in practical ways where they are to be implemented in projects

Students at our training center could get the realization of the real-time project. Also, work handling is like the operations executed in industries. With our industry-oriented globally updated syllabus, students would not get any significant challenges after joining the mobile training students. We provide opportunities to deserving students in different companies.

The students also get the opportunity to show their project works as part of tech talks. Students from GURU are in different honored companies around here in Kathmandu and other different cities.

With the growth of development in the digital world, every people carries a mobile phone. As a good mobile repair expert, it is crucial to have knowledge related to mobile phones. In this regard, the trends in adopting the challenges of mobile repairing are becoming very popular.

The trends seem to be growing day by day as mobile products are revolving quite flexibly. This is too attracting the students to learn mobile repair training. This seems to be one of the promising and growing IT carrier markets. Guru is facilitating mobile training with the use of a very competitive syllabus and technology.

Every week new models of phones are launching and new mobile brands are rising up. Thus, there is no lack of workspace for ambitious mobile repair engineers. Smartphone repair engineers find lots of spaces to work after completing mobile repair training.

The triviality of this industry is also the result of increased internet and technology. Students will find more people being reliant on their phones as time passes by. It is all the information we need and our road to communication into this device. That is possible as well as practical to have mobile phone training in Kathmandu. If someone seeks to have a career with growth possible, then this is the right option for them. Some of the possible opportunities in Mobile Phone Repair training are pointed below:

Freelance repair engineer
Service Support Engineer
Phone repair tech and consultant
Smartphone repair shop
Technical Support Engineer
Start a repair shop of own
General service center
Tutor at any institute
Servicing store of the cellphone company

Deals with repairing of the branded mobile phones. Such as iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Series, MI, Micromax, MottoG, Oppo, Colors, LG, Nokia, Lenovo, etc.
Provide mobile software solutions. Such as the unlocking of mobile devices such as the iPhone, Samsung Series, etc.
Experts in data recovery services of iPhone and other Android phones.
Provides Icloud solutions for apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, Mac
Provides repairing technicians as pay on-demand basis.
Provide the best opportunity to gain real-time experience in troubleshooting and fixing mobile.
Guru has a mission to enhance the youth in skill development programs.
Students learning at Guru are capable of establishing their own mobile technology business. 100% of the students are working in service centers in different places.
Students can work under a globally competent mobile repairing market.
Practical means profitable
Industry expert Mobile training instructors
Practice mobile repairing labs using the best equipment.
100% hands-on mobile phone repair training
Paid internship in our many guru care centers in Kathmandu and outside valley.
Repair circuits on the extra basis for the latest technology updates.
Share knowledge on reading schematics.
We also provide Advanced Chip level Laptop Repairing & Training Services in Kathmandu.

Success Story

Bhimsen Sapkota

Working In:
oxon Laptop Repair & training Pvt. Ltd
Head Technician

Anil Acharay

Working In:
Atm computer & Electronics Gaira Patan pohara
Junior Technician

Bishal Sunar

Working In:
Raj Mobile Repairing Center
Junior Technician

Basanta Bhattrai

Working In:
Spring computer Educational Institute
Head Technician

Bibhu Raj Baidya

Working In:
Orion Computer kalimati
Head Technician

Bhawan Mani Poudel

Working In:
Barahakshetra It Office Link

Abiral Bhandari

Working In:
Wenddy House School
Quick Enquiry
Phone Numbers 01-4582357, 9851209564

Course Features

Career Level Mid Level
Assessment Yes



Our Testimonials

Namaste. Me Sandesh Manandhar, I was a student and a trainee at GURU Institute of Engineering and Technology. I found the comfortable environment and well managed training lab to achieve the target I had set. The experienced teacher with well managed lab helped me a lot.

Sandesh Manandhar
Sandesh Manandhar
Hardware Technician

Knowledge is a thing and using that knowledge to change the prospective of yourself of admiring and analyzing the world is another. This is how Guru has provided me with the knowledge and skills in the field of chip level engineering so that I am able to compete with the challenge in the current blooming market of this field.

Kripesh Shrestha
Kripesh Shrestha
Chip Level Export
Device Hub

Hi everyone, I have done Chip Level Training at GURU Institute of Engineering and Technology. I found that GURU is the best place to train our mind and get excellence in what we want to crave. I was struggling to find the hardware training institute in Kathmandu.

Dibyashwor Baral
Dibyashwor Baral
Chip Level Expert
Expert IT Solution

Hello Everyone, I am Suraj. I had hardware training in Kathmandu Nepal at Guru and found it very friendly. At last, I found Guru is the place to develop the skills, knowledge and gain experience in chip level hardware training. Now I am BT care center working as senior mobile technician.

Suraj Bastola
Suraj Bastola
Senior Technician

Hello all, myself Ranjan Sapkota currently working as Sr. Network Technician at Mercantile communication system pvt. Ltd. I’m able to do this because of the network training I received from GURU Institute of Engineering and Technology. GURU is the place where we can learn what we want to learn.

Rajan Sapkota
Rajan Sapkota
Hardware & Network Technician.
Mercantile communication system pvt. Ltd

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